Monday, May 24, 2010

ihw, puede nina go first, and 30 other things I have learned, tried, done, and failed to do since the last time I blogged

setting: Ronald is singing show tunes while nina, emma, him, and I congregate in the hotel lobby (slash dining room table?) attempting to use wireless. i heart hotel reina.

I have failed at my blog. I am too lazy to type a narrative of everything that has happened since my homestay so instead i will make a list, as suggested by the title of this post

1. Arrived at hotel reina, our home while in buenos aires. Nina Emma Tess and I are sharing a room and Kenny and Ronald are next door.

2. Went to China town/ took a picture with a rice hat/ found wanton soup

3. took a picture making awkward turtles under a sign for calle 11 de septiembre

4. turned 20

5. started volunteering at Pupi-- a foundation started by a famous futbol player here that works with children living in poverty in a few parts of buenos aires

6. had a tango lesson

7. started spanish classes

8. had a tango lesson while taking spanish classes

9. got stuck on a subway... twice.

10. experienced the bicentennial celebration

11. got stuck in a real live mob because of the bicentennial celebration

12. wanted the bicentennial celebration to end

13. found the remote for the "non existent air conditioner" in our room-- good thing we have been living with the heat on instead

14. avoided all social networks/ contact until the series finale of lost downloads

15. saw the ghost writer

16. got sold out of robin hood

17. went to an art museum

18. spent over half of my time at the art museum making sense of two abstract paintings, apparently i am a larger fan of modern art than traditional

19. took the subte to the santelmo market/ sat in a cafe while we waited for the rain to pass before turning around and not ever visiting the santelmo market

20. ran across 9 de julio in one light (16 lanes= huge deal, I promise)

21. met wanda


23. danced to hotel room service and what a feeling in one night at a club

24. ate empenadas

25. got cat called with emma by a group of police officers

26. found out that McDonalds has a wonderful way of lifting our spirits, especially when we bring food from California Burrito Company

27. skyped with sarah tippy, emi, and other less exciting people

28. put off doing laundry

29. ran out of argentine cell phone credits

30. made a list

So, that is your catch up aka my life. When you speak to me I highly encourage you to ask for details specifically on numbers 5, 8, 21, and the bathroom at my homestay



  1. #23 warms my heartttt it's almost like we are together.

  2. in regard to 27----less exciting people???? :(
